Pan Card Status Check Using Aadhar card Number How can you check, If you have applied for a new pan card and your pan card has not been made yet and the pan card has not been delivered to your home address then in this way you can check your pan card. How to check pan card status by pan card application number without Aadhaar card number.
How to Check PAN Status by Aadhar Number ?
If you have applied for a new PAN card and do not have the acknowledgment number of your PAN card,
In such a situation, how can you check PAN card status from Aadhar card because right now you do not have the receipt number of PAN card, without which you are facing problem in checking PAN status. If your PAN card is made from NSDL website then you can call NSDL toll free number,
If you have made your PAN card from the website then you can call the PAN toll free number used by you, they can tell you whether a PAN card has been made from your Aadhar card or not.
How to Check PAN Card Status by Aadhaar Number
New PAN Card Status Check by Aadhar Card If you also want to check the status of PAN card by Aadhar card number, you can follow the steps given below -
- Step 1:- If you want to check PAN card status online through Aadhar card, you can click on the Click Here button.
- Step 2:- Here you can enter your 12 digit Aadhar card number in the field “Enter Application No/Adhar No/Pan No”.
- Step 3:- Enter Aadhar Card Number after you click on Check Status button..
- Step 4:- You get to see such PAN card status when you check PAN card status from Aadhar card number.
- Step 5:- Here you will also get to see Hyde Pan. If PAN card is made from your Aadhar card.
- Step 6:- It hides but does not show you the PAN card linked to Aadhar card.
- Step 7:- But the status is also visible.
- Step 8:- If today you are able to see your PAN number in Hindi and have not been able to bank your PAN card for a long time then you can get your PAN card number by calling UTI or NSDL toll free number.
- Step 9:- Then you can download the PAN card from NSDL or any of the following websites from where you have applied PAN card.
- Step 10:- This PAN card status tells only according to the PAN card linked to Aadhaar card, it does not tell the proper status.
This is how you can check PAN card status from Aadhar card, if you do not have PAN card application, after opening this link, login with gmail.