What is mention the permanent account number PAN inadvertently allotted to you

What is mention the permanent account number PANs inadvertently allotted to you :  When we fill the PAN card correction form, whether it is online or offline, you get to see the option of Mention the permanent account number PANs inadvertently allotted to you on the 11 number option in the PAN Card Update Form, what does it mean, In this, which PAN number should be given, 

What happens if you do not enter PAN number, what happens if you do, what is the mention of the permanent account number PANs inadvertently allotted to you option by entering PAN number in PAN Card Correction Form But whether our PAN card is surrendered or not, if it does not surrender the PAN card, then why does this option come in PAN card correction, what is the benefit of this, today we are going to talk about all these topics.

What do you mean by mention the permanent account number PANs inadvertently allotted to you?

When we fill the PAN card correction form offline or online then we get to see an option "mention the permanent account number PANs inadvertently allotted to you" on 11 No, there are many doubts in our mind regarding this, and we Do not know what it means, how it is used, today we are going to tell you this, when we have to do any PAN card correction then we have to fill the PAN card correction form, in such a situation, Correction has to be made on the PAN card number.

We enter that PAN number in the top, then there is the option of "Mention the permanent account number PANs inadvertently allotted to you" of the 11 number below, what to enter in that, we want to tell you That option is for those people who have more than one PAN card, so that the concerned department can know that this person has more than one PAN card, so that he can take necessary action and send your PAN card. can take action to close.

Which PAN card number do you mention in the permanent account number(pans) allotted to you inadvertently?

If you have only one PAN card number, then you should not enter any PAN number in the 11 number option, leave this option blank and proceed,  This is for those who have a double PAN card, if you have a single PAN card number then you can leave it blank. No problem will come.

I have double PAN card but I have only one PAN card

If you had double pan card but now you have only one pan card, second pan card is lost, You don't have any proof of that, so what should you do? If I had a double PAN card and I would have filled the PAN card correction form with a single PAN card number And if the second does not file in the 11 number option in the PAN card number, then only submit the form with the same PAN card number. I would have got to see an objection on checking the PAN card status a few days after, That status would mean that you have double pan card so you have to surrender one pan card, Then your PAN card will be processed. Otherwise, your PAN card will never be updated and it will always remain on objection. 

Will our PAN card be Surrender if we enter our PAN card number in mention the permanent account number(s) inadvertently allotted to you?

No, your PAN card will not be Surrender, if you are thinking that if I will enter PAN card number in the form of PAN card correction in 11 Number option then my PAN card will be closed, this is your misconception, nothing will happen by doing this. This will only waste your time and your money, so why this option is given, what happens with it, after doing a lot of research, we have come to know that it is for those people who have double pan card and Those who have Surrendered one of their PAN cards, but have not been fully updated yet, in such a situation, you can upload Surrender Letter along with the PDF of PAN Card correction form, so that NSDL or UTIITSL will not object to your PAN Correction Form. Will enter that you have Double PAN Card.

If you have two PAN cards, not even one of your PAN cards has been canceled, then you submit the form of PAN card correction, then while checking the form, there is an objection on your PAN form, in which you have to get the NOC of the second PAN card which is called Cancellation. Also called Letter or Surrender Letter, which is demanded of you, which you have to mail online to NSDL or UTIITSL Department, only then your PAN card is further processed.

If a person has already surrendered his PAN card but he does not have NOC or Surrender Letter, then while filling the form of PAN card correction, he will have to submit 11 no. Second PAN Card Number will have to be entered in the option, if it says Inactive on checking the status of PAN card online, then that PAN card will be processed further, if there has been an objection on your PAN card, and also got your PAN card Surrender done. But you do not have Surrender Letter, then you will have to fill the PAN card correction form again, then that objection will not come again, why when they check the second PAN card number then they will get to see that PAN card Inactive which your PAN card gets further processed.

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