How can I tell if my PAN is NSDL or UTI?

 How can I tell if my PAN is NSDL or UTI : Do you want to know from which website / company your PAN card is made, such as NSDL Ya UTI Ya fir e Filling How can you check online, from which website your PAN card is actually made.

There is a need to know whether our PAN card is made from UTI or from NSDL when we have to download any PAN card or reprint PAN card, for these work it is necessary to know if your PAN card is made from NSDL. And if you try to download your PAN card from the website of UTIITSL, then you are considered to be downloaded, then you have to download your PAN card from the website from which your PAN card was generated.

If you want to check whether your PAN card is made by efilling or to find out from NSDL or UTIITSL, you must have PAN card number as well as date of birth. Then you can check

How can I tell if my PAN is NSDL or UTI ?

To check from which company your PAN card has been made or updated last time, you have to follow the steps given below -

To check online pan card number se pan card made company name click on this link.

As you click on the given link, then you get to see something like this, here you can see that you must have got the option to check PAN Card Information.

Here enter your PAN card number, which you want to check Making Company Name.

Then enter the date of birth registered on your PAN card, if you enter the wrong date of birth then you do not get to see anything.

After Entering Your PAN Card Number and Date of Birth Check Now! Click on the button.

As you click on the Check Now button, then you get to see something like this, here you get to see some important information of PAN card.

What you want to check, you get to see it in the option "PAN Card Made By", whatever the name of the company is to be understood, your PAN card is made from the same company/website.

Please read the message in the box with "Message" Sometimes the server is down or there is some technical issue, it is told about it here, if you get some error while checking, then you try again.

From here you also get the date of birth confirmed, if you do not know the date of birth confirmation, then it tells you whether this date of birth is right or wrong, then you also get to check it.

In this way, you can check from which site your PAN card is made, so that you do not face any problem in downloading and reprinting PAN card.

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